I’ve wrestled against a Martha-mentality lately. Remember Jesus’ encounter with her from the book of Luke? She welcomed Jesus into her home, but then she grew distracted with many things.
Because you know how it goes. You invite someone over. You want to bless them. You want your house to be non-toxic. You want the food to come out hot. You want the bread to come out fluffy. And then you get irritated because the weight of perfectionism drains you dry. Because that’s what perfectionism does.
Martha was irritated. She was frustrated with her sister, Mary, because Mary wasn’t helping her. Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to His every word. How dare she. And Martha wanted Jesus to tell Mary to put on her apron and serve a drink, for goodness sake.
But Jesus didn’t reprimand Mary. Instead He tenderly revealed the tangled places of Martha’s busy heart. He gently told her that what Mary had chosen in that moment — to sit and glean from her Maker — was the one necessary thing. And it wouldn’t be taken away from her.
But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”
Luke 10:41-42
That Martha-mentality has tried to grab me up this week. Possibly because the Million Praying Women site has launched and I’ve had more details to sift through than usual. Possibly because I’m speaking this weekend — which, for the record, God has a powerful word to deliver! Possibly because I’m the Mother Duck at our community theatre because my kids asked me with those big, puppy dog eyes to be in a play with them. More on that one later…maybe.
But regardless as to what’s on my “to-do”, my heart has been tempted at times to huff around in the kitchen trying to serve when it needs to be on the floor in the living room, lingering at my Lord’s feet.
Yes, God calls us to do stuff. And yes, that means there will be things we have to do. Brilliant insight. But here’s the beautiful thing about our God. Regardless of how long the list, Jesus waits. He calls us to put everything down and seek His face and His kingdom first. First. It’s the one necessary thing. Only then are we rightly equipped to do all that He’s leading us to do.
So today, first I delight in Him. First, I sit before Him. First, I open His word and listen to His promises. First, I seek His face and ask Him to reveal the tangled places of my heart. Because when I sit before Him first, my perspective on everything else changes. When I draw near to Him for wisdom and healing, He graciously draws near to me. When I start with Him — stirring up His truth and Spirit within — I’m empowered to graciously walk out all that He has placed in my path.
The better thing. The best thing. The one necessary thing — sitting at His feet in worship. Today.
Fill me, Lord…
Have you ever wrestled against the Martha-mentality?
Practically speaking, how do you transition from a Martha-mindset to a Mary-mindset?
Oh and today is the last day of January which means it’s the last day to sign up to receive my newest eBible study for FREE! Click here to learn more.
I recognize when I find myself in “heavy-ladened” Martha mode, that I have taken off the yoke of Jesus, set aside His invitation to partner with Him with a promised result that lightens my load and brings me rest. I have pushed the “do-it-yourself” button of my flesh and have disengaged from His power. Jesus will not enable and empower a do-it-yourselfer. He only empowers dependence. But He graciously waits until I recognize my self-imposed “stew” and welcomes my bowed head to let Him yoke me back with Him.
That. Is. Beautiful, Denise. Thank you for sharing.
For me transitioning from Martha-mentality to Mary-mindset only can happy when I stop in my tracks and turn my thoughts to Jesus. And I believe that only happens when the wonderful Spirit of the Lord prods me to do so. He’s so good to me.
(More on the Mother Duck thing, please.)