“You should be ashamed of yourself,” says the enemy in an attempt to paralyze us, “How could God ever use you again? You keep doing that same thing again and again and again. You’re useless.”
But shame is rooted in pride. Shame ultimately says that Christ’s sacrifice wasn’t enough to cover my personal mess. So I have to take the condemnation on my own shoulders.
When we let ourselves hang around with those kinds of lies, we negate the cross. Our feet stop running forward. Our calling lies flat on the ground, dormant and ineffective. And…the enemy takes a win.
There is therefore now no condemnation
for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:1
Believe me. I know this wrestling well. But when I’m tempted to sit down and give up — covered in garments of shame — I remember people like Peter who denied his Lord over and over again. Yet he still became a pillar of the early church.
And David, the one who God described as a man after His own heart, knowing full well that he would commit adultery and have a man murdered to cover up his sin. God knew what David would do. Yet He still saw him as one of His passionate pursuers.
Remembering the imperfect faith of those who’ve gone before me encourages. And it reminds me that nothing is outside the realm of God’s redemptive power. Nothing. No matter what we’ve done. No matter how far we fall. No matter the sin that entangles. God is bigger.
His grace overrides our rebellion.
His forgiveness completely cleanses.
His love won’t allow Him to forsake His own.
We’re all messy. All of us. He knew that when He redeemed and called. You (and I) are not the exception. We’re all desperately broken apart from Him. It’s what makes His grace that amazing.
Whatever you or I have done (or will do), Jesus covered it. With brokenness, we confess and turn. And then confess and turn from it again. We get back up. We seek accountability. We stay in communion with the One who gives strength when we’re weak. And we combat lies with His truth.
Just, whatever happens, let’s not allow shame to stop our feet from running forward.
Fill me, Lord…
How has shame tempted you to give up?
This was perfect for me today……..
Such wise and truthful words. I have been in that place of shame many times, and the enemy loves to use it as a catalyst to spin me into that downward spiral of defeat. But God. His grace truly IS so amazing. Love you, sister.
Love *you* sister. And yes…truly amazing grace. (Because I know me too well.)