He’s taking us somewhere today. But he’s already there. Ahead of us. Yet he’s right beside you. And me. And still if we look behind, he surrounds. His covering is sure. This unfathomable covering of love.
Wherever it is, wherever today’s journey leads, he’s worthy of our trust. He hasn’t forgotten his own. He never forsakes his children. He’s weaving and working all things together for our good and his glory. All things.
So let’s keep moving, with our chin lifted and eyes lingering on him.
Fill me, Lord…
Are you on an unfamiliar path today? What stirs courage in your spirit?
And for this sweet subscribing friend, today his path includes a little treat. {And the winner of the giveaway is}…
Congratulations! I will email you for your shipping information. Yay!
Thank you to all who subscribed and entered the giveaway. Aren’t sursies fun! And even if you didn’t win Kelly’s book, you can still pick up a copy here.
And if you’re curious as to whether the path is correct – it will ALWAYS be a path that points to Him. That’s always where the journey starts, ends, and stays.
Preach it, sister-friend!
My life is one big unfamiliar path these days. I never know how things are going to work out or how to get to the next step. One way that I’ve found courage is looking back at how God has provided for me when I didn’t ask for it, when I didn’t expect it, and when I couldn’t see past two inches ahead of me. This helps to remind me that He really is in control and providing for me and I have no reason to fear what is coming ahead.
Thank you for being so real, JaQuinn. Some seasons are that way–unfamiliar…and even unwanted. But I love what you said, “looking back.” Seeing his past faithfulness spurs faith for the journey ahead. He will be faithful. He is working. He is always loving us. Keep reminding yourself through his word, my friend. With diligence.
I think I was the only Miranda who entered so I love forward to receiving your email :).
Congrats, Miranda! 🙂
You said a mouthful in such a small post today, Lara. I needed this, too. Thank you.
I love that…it’s so true. He never does forget us, even when it feels like it.