My man and I would both say the same thing. Our marriage has not been easy. Our unrealistic expectations mixed with poor communication and heavy baggage made us the prime target for a train wreck. And we wrecked hard. To near death.
He had great mercy on our home. He invaded and insisted with his grace. So here we stand, together in spite of the near devastation. Defying our world’s statistics.
But there still exists a daily battle to meditate upon the true things because the enemy attacks fierce. He hates marriage for it was created to reflect its Maker — full of love, forgiveness, honor, and freedom.
So whether a marriage hangs by a thread or stands a strong fortress, we all must be on guard. I must be on guard. Choosing to think on the true things.
the true things…
My sovereign God purposefully put my man and I together, complete with both of our messes. He knew the trials we would walk through. He foresaw the words we would hurl. Yet he placed us together. To transform us. To refine us. To free us.
I choose to see my man as my brother in the Lord. A fellow runner in this faith race. One whom I’m called to love and spur on towards truth. I am learning to pray rather than criticize and build rather than tear down…all beginning in my thought life.
Love expressed on the face or by the hands is not enough. It’s not love.
True love flows from the heart and pours out regardless of the other.
In spite of how you would define your own marriage today, remember…as long as God is, there exists hope.
Today’s thought-life challenge…
- Spend some time identifying thoughts you are thinking regarding marriage.
- Identify thoughts you are thinking of your spouse.
- Do those thoughts line up with God’s truth and his design?
- If not, one by one, determine a truth that you can choose to meditate upon as a replacement.
- When the lies or negative thoughts invade, declare the true things out-loud.
Fill me, Lord…
How have you struggled with your thought life towards marriage or towards your spouse?
What truths do you choose to think upon to counteract any lies?
Powerful stuff. “True love pours out of the heart…regardless of the other.” So wise. And “as long as God is, there exists hope.” These words are such a blessing to read. You know I love both you & that man you’re married to…you guys are a true living testimony to the grace & workings of our great God.
You know we love you too.
Oh here you go again! What a blessing to read what God has done…is doing…and the promise of what He will do. The real stuff of life. The stuff with skin on. I love this: “…for it was created to reflect its Maker — full of love, forgiveness, honor, and freedom.” I often believe (because this is what I live out) that marriage is about me. Yikes! Thanks for your wonderful words.
“The stuff with skin on.” The real. Thanks for your encouragement, friend. I refuse to allow what we’ve walked through be in vain. Praising Him.
Amen. After 46 years these thruths still hold. Thank you Lori.
You are a testimony!
This is why I write about marriage. This is why I advocate for laying down self and loving even when we don’t feel like it. These ideas, these truths: that we are together to transform us into something greater than each alone; to refine us into something smooth and able to reflect our Maker; and to free us from our pettiness, our selfishness, our brokenness, and our aloneness. I love your words Lara! You bless me again and again.
Oh I love how you expounded upon those ideas…transform, refine, and free. Beautiful. Love to you, friend.
I am a relatively new reader, but I absolutely love these “every thought captive” posts!! So I had to say thanks. 🙂
When couples are fighting over petty little things in life, you need to remember that the only thing really worth fighting for is your marriage.