I’m burdened for “the church.” Not the actual buildings but the hearts inside — we as representatives of Jesus on this earth.
Maybe it’s because we’re coming off of an election or maybe it’s because I know those trekking their personal journeys of faith-discovery, but it appears that we as Jesus-followers can get “evangelism” twisted.
We hear threats to our faith and become desperate to prove God to those questioning His ways — often crushing the wandering heart in the process. Plus, in the proving we live in fear as we watch the unfolding faith of our loved ones — fear because we can’t control their journey or speed it up.
But I’m certain that’s not Jesus’ intention for us. He has freedom for His followers. He gives rest to the weary and hope to the downcast. He desires to fill us full of Himself so we overflow His love onto those around us…regardless of where they are on their own journey.
Walking with Him doesn’t mean we live without the raw, real, even painful feelings that sometimes come with loving others. It doesn’t mean we don’t intercede. But freedom means we actively trust His wooing. It means we purposefully take feelings to His throne and choose to believe that He is working things out. He is answering prayer.
Fill me, Lord…
How have you had to trust God with the faith-journey of others?
I think that I have to all the time! I love my YL girls and other friends and family so much that I want them to get it! But I can’t do that. We were reading at campaigners when Jesus says, “this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in Heaven.” We must share, but let go of the feeling of responsibility for their hearts. We aren’t responsible for them, God reveals Himself.
I love that verse! It really brings rest when we choose to believe that God is the revealer. Not us. Love to you, sweet sister.
Wow, this is so timely for me. I am so worried about my teenage son. I swing back and forth between hoping to convince him and trusting God in this…more the former than the latter. Thanks for your post. I think I might print this one and stick it in my journal. (I use an e-bible and a written journal…haven’t quite joined the modern era. :D)
I was a prodigal, Sara. And I can’t imagine the toll it takes on a mother’s heart. I have to trust that His grace will be sufficient if and when I have to walk that road with my own kids one day. Praying you are encouraged today as you trust that our God is the one who draws the prodigal home.
I am struggling to trust God with the faith journey of someone very close to me. I join you in choosing to believe that He is working things out and that He IS answering prayer. Thank you!
Bless you, Amanda. It is a constant choice to believe that our God is he one who reveals. But it does bring rest to our souls as we choose, by His Spirit, to daily release others to Him. Much love, friend.
This speaks directly to my fearful soul, Lara. I’m so thankful He has made it so clear through the Word that it is not up to me to do the saving. I’m learning…I’m learning.