All around us, people need Him. They stand in line ordering a grande mocha. They move through the store juggling coupons and children. They pull into the neighboring driveway going about their daily agenda. The question is whether or not I will have eyes to see and feet to meet them in the now.
flickr photo credit: mzpromise
My kids inspire me. The other day my 5-year-old ran inside yelling, “MOM, where’s my ‘Do you know Jesus’ picture?” He yanked it off the refrigerator where I had displayed his heart-felt art and took it outside. He then spent the next 10 minutes witnessing over the fence to our 9-year-old neighbor boy.
He had no fear of rejection. No worry about what the boy might say. He just knew that the child needed Jesus. Granted this is the same son who mauls his little brother for taking a pretzel off of his plate. (We’re all in process.) But he spoke up. He just spoke up.
How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?
Romans 10:14
When I hear the word “evangelism” I think of Tuesday night visitation. (Yes, I grew up a Southern Baptist preacher kid.) But true evangelism is of the overflow. As we walk intimately with Him, He naturally spills out of our mouths. We can’t help but talk about that which fills our souls. (Acts 4:20)
If we begin with seeking Him and loving Him with reckless abandon, then He will graciously affect our world through us. That’s what He does. He changes hearts, sometimes even through the surrendered life of earthen vessels.
All around us, people need Him. They need their Maker. I pray we have His vision. I pray we have His boldness. I pray we walk intimately today.
Fill me, Lord…
How have you seen intimacy with God and “evangelism” collide in your own life?
I remember good old visitation nights…. riding around in the church bus and being dropped off in neighborhoods to run around ringing doorbells 🙂 Great post!