Anger isn’t my “vice” so-to-speak. I get angry — did you read my post from Wednesday?! I have even gotten ugly angry. But anger isn’t my main issue. I have other main issues to deal with.
But my middle son struggles with anger. In fact yesterday I reached that point of frustration and basically yelled to God, “I can’t help him, Lord. I can’t fix his heart. I can’t free him from anger!” Pause. Sigh. “But You can.” Then I asked for wisdom — begged, really — because I was at a loss.
After I surrendered (yet again!) I knew what He wanted me to do. He wanted me to keep teaching my little guy what I do with anger. Because when I get angry, I’m learning to take it to the throne.
With my boy writhing in frustration over a slightly miniscule affair, I insisted that he talk to God. Even shout. “Tell Him you’re angry, son.” “I’m angry, God,” he hollered.
“Tell Him that you don’t want to be so angry over this situation.” He repeated my words to God. “Tell Him that you want His peace and joy to comfort you. And that you need to know what He thinks — you need His wisdom.” He did, with lots of emotion.
And as he cried out to God I silently prayed, “Lord, prove your healing presence to him.” God faithfully showed up. He faithfully soothed my boy’s soul. He even gave him wisdom to complete the task that originally set him off.
Yes, if you call out for insight
and raise your voice for understanding,
if you seek it like silver
and search for it as for hidden treasures,
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.
Proverbs 2:3-5
Anger is like all the other emotions. We will have it. It’s real. It’s even right at times. But when we ride its waves and hurt people in our path, we’ve come under its control. If we allow it to settle in our spirit, bitterness will entangle. And bitterness always steals the joy our Lord died to give us. (Ephesians 4:31-32)
When anger comes we need to cry out for release. Need to cry out. Need to lay it at His throne. It’s the place from which healing and wisdom flows.
Fill me, Lord…
How do you handle anger when it comes?
this was so timely for me! Thank you!
I struggle with anger and bitterness as well. I find that as I get older, I have a hard time letting go of things people have done to me (no matter how big or small) and hold on to it and let it turn my thoughts toward hate. The Lord has been showing me just what you were saying – not to let that anger control me, but to turn to Him.
I am ‘learning’ to control my temper. I have high blood pressure and pray to God that I will overcome the anger as it isn’t really worth it to continue.