If we listen close, we can hear it. Our world calling certain things “beautiful” that our God detests. And our flesh whispering freedom words over things that have us bound. That’s why we have to proceed with caution.
With slight trepidation — cautious over what the world and my own heart defines as awesome — I officially entered the “smart” world. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve wanted a smart device for a number of years, but it just hasn’t been the right time. Maybe I haven’t been mature enough to handle it.
I mean, I know me. I’ve seen me get slightly obsessed over various things in my lifetime. Granted, I’ve learned in recent years that all the stuff in the world can never fulfill. Partially taught to my stubborn soul by our used, 200,000+ mile van, which I lovingly refer to as the Bling. But still. In my natural state, I can get distracted by all the stuff.
So I stepped into this smart-device-ownership prayerfully. Yes, prayerfully. And no, I didn’t anoint the thing with oil. But I asked God to give me wisdom with how to incorporate this thing into my life. Because I don’t want anything to consume me more than I’m consumed with Him.
He has graciously guided, even with something so seemingly mundane.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, o LORD, my rock and my redeemer.
Psalm 19:14
Our world calls certain things beautiful and good, right and virtuous. But our world doesn’t set the standard. He does. I’m praying we have eyes to see what has our hearts captivated. May it be Him.
P.S. I really am liking this smart world thing. Totally amazing technology.
Fill me, Lord…
How do you stay guarded from all that the world defines as good?
Anxious to hear some answers to your question because I am currently struggling in this area myself!
Staying guarded. I think it begins and ends with communing with Him. Bringing thoughts captive to true things — who He is and what He promised. Being able to hold up what our world says is right next to His word. It’s not easy but He faithfully guides. He faithfully empowers. Blessings to you today, sister-friend.
I think about all of the people that have less to none in comparison to what we have. I’m trying to share that with my children, as Christmas & then their birthdays (the 30th) can be so overwhelming with “stuff”. It has taken me two 1/2 years to work on me & addictive, non-productive habits. I do see a little ray of sunshine and am so fortunate to learn about His word so that it does keep me guarded in ALL situations.
He is so patient with us isn’t He? And I love what you said. His Word is key. Blessings to you this week.