You know those moments when words come out of your mouth and you immediately wish you could blast them with some laser shooter so they disintegrate into nothingness before they reach the other person’s ears. Like in slow motion. (I have sons.) Yeah. I had one of those moments yesterday. And it’s so humbling. Because real life offers no word-laser-shooters.
A friend and I have a term for moving forward after messy moments, with added hand motions. Because sometimes the only thing left to do is just “turn the page.” (Now, literally, turn the invisible page.)
You royally mess up so you confess to God and communicate with that person you love, then you have to “turn the page.” You completely overreact or do the same thing you vowed to never do again so you cry and confess and cry some more and then…”turn the page.”
Because the enemy loves to keep us bogged down with yesterday’s mistakes. Our deceptive hearts too easily dwell upon regret and “should haves.” But we can’t go back. We can’t rewind. We can only press on under the great grace of our God.
But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13-14
We have a role in the moving forward. As much as depends upon us, we repent and reconcile and forgive and learn from the past, but the time comes when we have to take a deep breath and turn the page. Because all we have is today. And God has new mercies in which we can rest.
Fill me, Lord…
How do you move forward when regrets weigh you down?
As a woman, and mother this is one of the most difficult things to do. We are overly critical of ourselves and really can get down on ourselves when we’ve made a mistake. I try to remember that this battle is not by my strength at all! So when the enemy keeps reminding me of yesterday’s mistakes, I can remind him (and myself) that I can’t do this without Jesus. And luckily Jesus doesnt expect me to! I like that “turn the page” I’m gonna use that 🙂
Thanks for sharing, Markeitha. You are absolutely right. We cannot do it apart from His strength. So thankful He doesn’t expect me to (and that He doesn’t forsake me when I fail). Bless you, sister.
Thank you for these wise words, Lara! Oh, how difficult it can be to move forward, but with God’s strength and grace we can! 🙂
Yes, Jessica. All in grace.
This is just what I needed today. I have been so bogged down with all of me “yesterday mistakes”. The devil has been working hard to keep me discouraged about all of that “stuff”. Thank you for this, I must keep pressing on and keep turning the page. God Bless
The enemy loves to do that. (Ugh!) But God says that when we confess He is faithful to forgive and cleanse us…fully and completely. Praying you rest secure today in Jesus and the power of the cross.
I definitely wrote about a similar idea today! It seems satan creates these invisible scenarios that mentally hold us hostage on those days when the laser shooters would be deemed appropriate. But. We must let it go, give to Him, and seek His wisdom to press forward! Totally needed this today!