For about 3 seconds, fellow runners are my BFF. We wave and give imaginary fist bumps (at least I do) while spurring the other on with a smile that says, “You can do this thing. Keep running!” It truly encourages me to press on.
We need each other. We’re not meant to run this race alone. He designed us for community. We need accountability and intercession and those imaginary fist bumps from fellow runners in this faith-race.
Which is why it frustrates me when certain lies creep in…
“Everyone else runs…better than me. They’re prettier, smarter, funnier, and more together. They all have neater homes and happier kids. They balance life more gracefully and put the clean laundry away the same day it’s washed. And they don’t raise their voice.
Everyone else brings a camera when their kids win an award. They know what to say and don’t let their emotions get the best of them. And their clothes don’t have stains or holes. Everyone else runs this life-race…better.”
They’re lies whispered to our deceptive hearts.
I know because I’ve entertained them. They hide behind the forefront of our minds, deceiving and tempting with their convincing mockery. And our endurance deflates with each one that we believe.
Here’s the truth. No one does it perfectly. We all have places in which we are desperate for His strength. And we all run a little faster when we have the encouragement from those sharing the road.
The call is to run before an audience of One with eyes set on things eternal, while spurring on our fellow runners…in love.
We can do this thing. We can run this race with all of its mountain and valley…through our Lord who gives us His strength. Press on, friend.
Fill me, Lord…
How have those kinds of lies tempted you?
How can we spur our fellow runners on today?
I am plagued by those lies often! For me it usually centers around my home. I am not a decorator, nor am I the best housekeeper. I get by, but barely. So I have insecurities in that area and that’s where the lies are usually whispered. I love the analogy of fellow runners- it’s so true- it’s automatic community and automatic encouragement simply seeing someone else on the road with you. It should feel like that in life too. Great post!
I used to be so good at keeping my house straight before kids. Now, I only do the bare necessities. Plus all of my pictures on the walls are outdated. I know these lies well. But who says we have to have the “perfect” home? We both know it makes much more of an impression when love is present. When He is present. Believing right along side you, sweet friend.
These lies creep into my head soooo often! I needed this encouragement this morning. In those moments I feel alone and little. But… when another Christian friend extends their kindness and honesty to me, it helps me refocus on reality. What a precious thing to be loved by God and Godly women! I have much to be thankful for!
Sister-friends are such a gift, spurring us on in the race. If we could just remember to keep our eyes on Him and His plan for our today rather than looking down here and comparing ourselves to everyone else, I think we’d be better off. Easier said than done. Running beside you today, my friend.
Thank you, Lara for your post. God is so gracious to us. He never makes us “run” alone!
I love you, friend. 🙂
Hey friend! God is at work, because I wrote about the same thing on my blog post yesterday, “Can you Hear Me Now?” Love it when God repeats!!!
Thank you for leading me into His overflowing Presence…
I just hopped over to your site and read your post. Love that. “Erase old messages.” Blessings to you today, Kelli!
Love it sweet friend! I remind myself daily, well many times in a day, daughter of a king, he knows me by name, a saint..really? yes really Jolene a saint. Darn deceptive lies. These past couple years I have been intentional in studying the acts of the enemy, so I can recognize it, call it, and repulse it. We are in constant spiritual battle…I am armed with prayer and the promises of the word. Thanks Lara- have a super day sister!
It is constant, isn’t it. So thankful He doesn’t leave us here alone — sealed with His Spirit and surrounded by sisters like you! Much love, friend.
I relate to this completely! I always seem to fall for it too. Then I find myself all sad and running back to God to be reminded – again – of His Truth. I’m better at encouraging others and speaking the Truth to them than using it as a defense to the lies in my head.
It’s like the board in our eye story. We can easily see what’s going on with others but when it comes to our own struggles we can be blind. Sometimes I find myself thinking, “Ok, Lara, what would you tell someone else to do or believe in this same situation.” Praying for you today, JaQuinn.
Thanks for addressing this topic of us so easily believing the lies. I fall for that too. Thank you! In my own post today, ironically, I talked about how to address the lies that our teens believe too. I had a powerful time with my daughter recently where I got to whisper God’s truth in her ears afterwards and see his truth just melt her. Powerful!
Thanks for letting me stop by.
Congrats on your ebook! Tell me more about that and your journey there.
Jennifer Dougan