The other night I sat alone in my house after the kids were asleep. The new dog was laid out on his fluffy bed. The Christmas lights glowed. And I debated. Should I watch something completely mindless while eating Triscuits, or should I watch “58: the film” that some friends recommended?
I asked Him, half-heartedly, because I really wanted “mindless.” But God spurred me towards “58” in spite of me. So sitting there under my faux-fur blanket, I watched people on the other side of the planet live in bondage. Bondage to poverty. Bondage to the sex industry. Bondage to hopelessness.
And it brought that ache to the surface. You know. The ache that silences under the weight of stuff and carpools and chocolate Advent calendars. So I asked God to show me what I could possibly do.
He brought Kristi to mind. I met her at the Allume conference back in October. She works with Freeset — a fair trade business offering employment to women trapped in Kolkata’s sex trade. And I remembered that they sold stuff to bring freedom.
And you know how much we Americans like to buy stuff this time of year (said with slight sarcasm about myself and the “business” of Christmas).
I went to their site and purchased a number of Christmas gifts. But then I wanted to do more. And that’s when He reminded me that He’s given me a voice. And that I can tell you about some purposeful Christmas gifts that you could buy. And then you could tell your friends. And so on and so on.
Doesn’t that sound like a great plan?!
I want to highlight two sites where you can buy stuff that can have eternal, hopeful effects: Freeset and Year 27.
Then I would love for you to tell your friends about this post. And if you do, I may give you something lovely and meaningful. Yep.
Share this post and then comment saying you shared this post and you will be entered to win one of the Freeset bracelets.
They’re both beautiful and meaningful. I will announce four winners on Monday, December 10th!
You can get extra entries by (1) reading through one of the sites, (2) purchasing something, and/or (3) PRAY. Take 2 minutes and pray for these causes. Just leave one comment for each thing you do to help spread the word for freedom.
Freeset is in business for freedom. Freedom from human trafficking. Freeset is a fair trade business that sells bags and t-shirts, made by women freed from human trafficking in Calcutta, India. The women are able to have a job with dignity, making products, instead of being the product.
Every woman receives three times the wage they would receive in line (the prostitution line), learn to read and write, daycare for their children, have medical insurance and retirement benefits. Women were tricked, trapped, or trade and find themselves seemingly without a choice. Their goal is to change the economic scope of Sonagacchi, Calcutta’s largest red light district, to one of freedom, instead of the sex trade. Amazing!
Click here to visit the Freeset shop.
Here’s the story of one woman who’s been affected by Freeset:
It was my dream to learn and work on computers. Until recently I had never used a computer so I really appreciate this opportunity. Everyone understands that I am new and are very supportive as I learn all the new tasks I have to do. The part I like most is when I balance the cash at the end of the day.
I enjoy the challenge of this new job better than my previous work in screen printing, but before I started at Freeset I was not able to support my family financially and now I can.
Year 27
I love this. Jill Davis, a fellow Seed Company blogger, began “Year 27” last December. She’s a graphic designer with a heart for the Word of God to reach the nations. So she started doodling a verse of the day which turned into art prints and iphone skins and other beautiful gifts. ALL PROFITS from the sale of her items go to the translation of the Bible into the Ehty language. How awesome is that!
Click here to check out Year 27.
Thank you, friends! You’re changing lives today!
Thank you Lara! I’m a big fan of Year27 so thanks for highlighting it. I’m sharing right now.
Thank you, Lara for giving us two great places to find Christmas presents with a purpose.
Thank you Lara, Our congregation has a small area in our nathex from third world countries. I have some of the most beautiful scarves from there. I have already shared and found purchases I will be ordering. Thanks again.
Thanks for speaking up! I am sharing right now.
Just visited Freeset!
Kristi, Freeset
I just ordered the Amity bag from Freeset. Yay!
Thanks for being part of the freedom story!
I love this. I’m going to check out both sites. Can’t wait to see what I can find!
Praying for both organizations to have a multitude of blessings! Such wonderful ideas!
Thank you Jeannie!!
I have the bracelets, and love them!
Thanks Katie!! Love YOU girl!!
Kristi, Freeset
Thanks for sharing these links, I have just found Christmas gifts for those folks that are hard to buy for! Proud of you for finally getting a dog 🙂
Beth Jones
Thank you for being part of the freedom story Beth!
Kristi, Freeset
Thanks Lara! I am sharing on facebook and twitter right now!
I have also prayed for both sites
Thank you so much Julie!! Blessings to you!! We appreciate your prayers more than you know!
Kristi, Freeset
Yes, I totally remember hearing about FreeSet at Allume and was very taken by their call to action. Praying for them and will be sharing this post!
Thank you Christie!!!! Blessings!!
Kristi, Freeset
Thank you for reminding me where my focus should be during this amazingly messy season that tends to draw us away from rather than toward our father and his business.
I had the honor of meeting Shampa Rice, a minister and champion for women in Calcutta who has saved women and children from some of the scariest people and places there are in the red light district. She has even raised funds and bought women out of slavery.
I am praying for a fresh move of God greater than anything previously witnessed or experienced in Freeset, Year 27 and for Shampa! I pray an enormous increase of resources, supernatural protection, wisdom and insight.
My heart longs for their freedom and I am going to pray more, buy some and share as much as I can this season and throughout the rest of the year. May God bless you for your obedience to share and may he continue to speak to you and lead to that which he has for you to accomplish. I thank him for what his is doing in you and through you, in Jesus Name…so be it!
Amen!! YES LORD!!! Thank you!! Honored.
Kristi, Freeset
Thank you so much for sharing these ways that we can give back! I read through both sites.
Thank you Elizabeth!
Kristi, Freeset
Just shared!
Thank you for sharing this Lara! I shared this.
Read through both sites.
Praying and continuing to pray.
Thank you Joyce!! Blessings!
Kristi, Freeset
Excellent thanks for showing us 2 places to get presents where our gifts are doubled.
I shared! (I love giveaways like this. May you have 9,000 commenters!)
I love you! I shared this, but let’s be honest, I would have shared it either way. 🙂
Thank you so much Lara
Lara, I love to share about Freeset up here in Alberta, Canada, where I live. I’ve appreciated your post very much!
Can’t wait for my new bag from Freeset to get here!
I shared this fabulous post.
I just bought a Christmas present from Year 27. Yay! It’s perfect!
Buying 2 gifts from Freeset. This post was so helpful.
Thanks for the new ideas & good prices too!! Sharing now.