God does this with me periodically. He prompts me to lay everything down and just be with Him. I’m sensing that lead. The call to sit with Him for a while, allowing Him to tend so some soul-things.
So I’m going to take a little time “off” from blogging and let Him prepare my heart for what’s to come in March. In the meantime remember that God fiercely loves you, purposefully designed you, and continually pursues you with ever-reaching grace.
I look forward to talking with you soon, my friend.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Fill me, Lord…
When’s the last time you sat with Him for a while?
Encouraged? Share with your friends:
May your rest be refreshing like ice cold water.
Thanks, sweet Alison. So looking forward to being with you in March!
I will be praying for you to and through March. Rest well! God’s arms are the best hammock evah, no?
I just discovered you though! I’m so anxious to read your book and learn all about your story. I am in the midst of a separation with my husband of 13 years. We’ve battled with a blended family, drug addiction, and now he is living with his girlfriend. I am devastated and unsure of what comes next. I am (soon to change) a stay at home Mom and we have 5 kids all together. I am leaning on and trusting God with all that I am. God bless and I can’t wait to read your book.