December zaps me. Every. Year. It zaps me. I always need a serious, lets-turn-this-ship-around re-boot in January after all the December shenanigans. So I’m digging in, people. I’m pressing into our good God. I want to both hear His sweet, powerful voice (more than the sound of my own inner whininess that inevitably creeps into my spirit from worldly discontentment #blah) and follow His lead in the moments of my day.
God never leaves me in that numb, floundering, zapped place for too long. He faithfully jars me awake from distracted, soul-slumber. The other day it happened at the grocery store. Over a shopping cart.
It sounds completely insignificant now, but I was in a hurry on Saturday. It was the day of my son’s eighth birthday party. So I rushed into the grocery store to get some last minute food items, completely tunnel-visioned. I didn’t see the people around me. I was thinking about my schedule. And the people I needed to feed. And getting there on time. And making my son feel like his party was totally planned more than two days before the big event — which never happens because of Christmas.
Anyway, I plowed through the aisles, paid for the stuff, and rushed to the car. I had parked in a space near the front of the store but not close to a cart return area. So as I quickly unloaded my bags, I looked around trying to figure out where to put my cart. Two spaces down I noticed an older woman doing the same. And I heard in my spirit, “Go offer to get her cart and return them both.” I didn’t listen. I totally didn’t listen. I know it was God. I know it was an opportunity to show His kindness in the parking lot of a grocery store, but I was in a hurry. I had a party to get to. So I ignored Him. And I didn’t even put my cart in the right place. I pushed it near the store entrance and left it by one of the brick columns.
As I pulled out, I noticed the woman looking for a place to put her cart. She looked at me through the windshield. She looked around. Then she reached the column where I had stashed my cart…and took them both back into the store. After giving me a glaring look. Me in my mini-van with my bumper sticker that tells my church name. Good grief. I prayed for her. And prayed she didn’t see my bumper sticker. And confessed my selfishness. And thanked God that He doesn’t give up on humans.
“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.”
Galatians 4:5-7
It sounds insignificant, but the grocery store parking lot “incident” shook me awake. It reminded me afresh that our time on this planet is so short. And it’s not ultimately about schedules and to-do lists. Though I’m certain that God created schedules and to-do lists and they can honor God. “Amen” says my list-loving side. Ultimately it’s about living this short life in the power and presence of God, used by Him to touch this world with His lovingkindness. And we can’t do that if we’re only focused on ourselves. It just doesn’t work out.
We’re an extension of His love as we walk out our minutes in communion with Him. When we awake from the soul-slumber induced by our very convincing world and move in step with His Spirit, we’re an extension of His grace and mercy.
I’m not saying that being in a hurry is always wrong. Or that leaving our grocery cart beside columns is always wrong. Or that we should walk in condemnation for all the stuff we don’t do when we sense His prompting. God is grace, over and over. But it’s the moments in grocery store parking lots that make up our lives. If we waste them…well…we miss out on the true beauty of this thing called life.
So January, by the grace of God, I’m awake and ready for you. Let’s do this.
Fill me, Lord…
How are you entering into January?
I am entering into January with God first, Yoga second, & family next. Because, I have been sooo lazy & caught up in the Thanksgiving, Christmas, Birthdays, New Year shenanigans, that I’ve put myself last. Meaning, no true one-on-one time with God…maybe I’ll do yoga at home once a week…by then, I’m a hot, tangled mess. Have I been good with it since Jan. 1? No, but I’m trying. Believe me, it’s for the good of all people if I can get my “me time”.
For the good of all people. I get that, Caroline. Praying for fresh faith and fresh endurance!
Hi Lara, thank you for sharing. It is so true that we sometimes live and move and shop with tunnel vision. Not that we do not have a reason! But it is good for us to look around and notice and see the struggles of others too. Because only if we see the struggles of others we can get perspective and grace for them(and ourselves ). And be truly thankfull for our own difficulties. My 2016 starts with a lot of sadness. I am sitting next to the bed of my mom who has a braintumor. And I am also shopping and moving and living with a bit(or a lot ☺) of tunnel vision. But I pray that God will give me the grace that in this difficult time I may honor Him in what I say to others around me and those who help take care of my dying mother. So that in all of this He may be glorified! And that people may see Him in us and long to be like Jesus. Thanks for your blog. Love Elana
I’m so sorry about your mom, Elana. We walked with my dad through a brain tumor. It’s a foggy journey but I know God will give you the grace and strength you need as you turn to Him. One minute at a time.