I know that prayer isn’t a “hot topic” — even if I put it in flashing lights with some cool font. But it’s vital to our existence. Vital. It’s vital to peace, hope, joy, and flat-out sanity.
I mean, God tells us to pray continually. All the time. Like, never stop. So it must be pretty important. But let’s be honest. Sometimes — lots of times — it seems easier to call a friend or search the web, not turning to Him until, “there’s nothing else we can really do.”
But I’m pretty sure that’s the wrong view of prayer. I mean, think about it. Prayer is a conversation with the God of the universe. The God. Of the universe. In conversation. Yet we fluff around with theories or statistics or gossip in search of some hope.
I’m human. I know how it goes. God seems far off because we can’t touch Him. But I’m convinced that prayer is the road to transformation, both in our own soul and in the world at large.
So if that’s the case, then how do we pray? Three words…
c o n t i n u a l l y
a u t h e n t i c a l l y
s c r i p t u r a l l y
s c r i p t u r a l l y
all in faith.
Continually just means we always do it. It means we talk to Him about ev.er.y.thing. We laugh with Him when He’s the only One who gets our joke. We cry to Him. We shout at Him. We tell Him eighteen times today that “I can’t do this anymore!” Everything. We tell Him everything. Personally, it’s how I remain stable.
Authentically means that we’re real. Just be real. We don’t have to put on a pretty face or have a bunch of pretty words. We just let it all out. If we’re angry, we talk to Him about it. If we’re sad, we talk to Him about it. If we’re frustrated, irritated, excited, elated, or flat out undone, we talk to Him about it. Authentically. Messily (not a word). Just be real.
Scripturally means that after we’ve been really real, we then remind ourselves of who He is and what He promises. This. Is. Necessary. Otherwise we have some lopsided one-way prayer thing going on. And girlfriend, we need perspective. I need perspective. So after we’re real, we preach some truth to our souls. Out-loud. Even if we’re in the laundry room or locked in the bathroom…or out in public. People may stare but I’m OK with that. We need His perspective.
And we do all of it “in faith.” That just means that we believe that He’s there — listening, understanding, wanting to comfort. And it means we believe that His character and promises as laid out for us in His Word are true.
p r a y
w i t h o u t
c e a s i n g.
1 Thessalonians 5:17
If we want to experience the kind of life Christ died to give us, then we need to pray like we breathe. Always. Continually. It’s vital to intimacy with our Maker. And in prayer, absolutely nothing is off limits.
He never says, “We’ve already talked about that, Lara.” He never rolls His eyes or pushes me away. He’s forever patient. He’s always the lap I can crawl up into with any fear or question or hurt. He’s the only One who sees the start from the finish and everything in between. And He’s the only One who can truly tend to my heart and change the world. The world.
So, today, this Monday, we as His children have the choice to pray. It’s what will transform the world, beginning in you and me.
Fill me, Lord…
How goes your prayer life these days? What works and what doesn’t?
Oh, and I N E E D your input. Really.
Let’s say I’ve been hypothetically asked to take over a website that focuses on prayer. Hypothetically. And let’s say I want to freshen up the site and make it really relevant and really powerful and really useful.
What would you want to see on this type of site? Weekly prayer emails? Resources? What?
Seriously, I want/need your input.
I would love a devotion that leads me to who i could pray for that day. Its ovewhelming sometimes.
I totally get that overwhelming feeling. And what you said is a great idea, almost like a calendar. Thanks for the input, Ruthan!
Sometimes, even in our attempt to pray, we use our words, our “positive” thinking, our own “encouraging” nudging words, I think it’s important to use the Word of God in prayer. I think it will encourage us, challenge us, it will direct us.. Pray using His words. I don’t do this enough. Don’t get me wrong, I think we should also be “real” with Him so our own words are necessary but His Word is life and transforming. So maybe like a “scripture” to memorize for that day or week to go along with whatever the topic is.
I am with you 100%. It has to be “scriptural” or else we stay stuck in ourselves. And I definitely like the idea of a scripture to memorize each week. That could be a good compliment to the weekly focus. Thanks, Frances.
I read a post recently about how the author didn’t believe in the “power of prayer” but in a powerful God. It actually made me stop and define for myself what I believe on the topic. And the more Scripture I read the more I think there is power in speaking words outloud to God. The Roman Centurion in Matthew knew the power of Jesus’ authority. All the Centurion said was, “say the words and it will be”. His faith in God’s power…that’s prayer. Maybe your site could help define the purpose of prayer (relationship, faith, etc) and I love how you outlined how to pray in this post. Good stuff Miss Lara!!
I totally agree in the power of the spoken word. Totally. And I love that insight on defining the purpose of prayer. Really good. Thanks, my friend.
My prayer life these days are better than they have been but not as often as it should be! I love the Lord & want to be in constant contact with Him…24/7. I’ve been getting visions & vibes that I need to be more diligent in prayer/meditation in the mornings before “chaos” gets up. Which means don’t check Facebook or email until after you’ve had quiet time. I’ve also been sensing that I need to write about my spiritual life but don’t know where to start.
On this hypothetical site, I would love to see daily devotions. I have about 7 daily devotional books I read each morning…love, love, love them!
To pray scripturally ..using God’s word in a way that touches me more every day. As you said praying like we breathe…loved that line.
Pray for people you will never see. Or rarely see. Specific people. For me, it’s a people group in Papua New Guinea, including their Bible translation team.
When I look through the New Testament, I often see Paul writing how much he longs to see the people he prays for.
The longing helps fuel the prayer. And it intensifies praying for those people in our lives we can see, who we interact with all the time.
More of this. More honesty, more of your beautiful heart, more real, relevant conversations about the one thing God desires from us – communication. This is seriously beautiful. Thank you!