I can’t seem to escape the pull between all the things that “need to be done” and the seconds ticking away at the clock.
I know that God gives us the exact amount of time to do everything He has for us to do. I know that. But I still find myself playing tug of war with time, always wanting to add just one more thing to the list. Until it’s hard to uncover His “organic” plan for my day — the one free from all my fillers.
Instead of looking at this day through the lens of what I want to do or what needs to be done, I try to (want to) look at the minutes of today through His lens. To look at time as a gift, wanting to redeem it wisely.
Personally, I have a mental priority list — because lists are good — of all the “better” things that I know He has for my today. And everyday.
Love Him.
I know it’s churchy but it’s foundational. If I can’t find love for Him underneath all the things I spend most of my time doing, then I may need to reevaluate. (Examples of actively loving God: spending time in His Word, praying to Him, praising Him, asking His opinion, waiting for His lead)
Love my family.
Again, churchy. But really. If this isn’t my second priority then I’ll miss His plan. (Examples of actively loving my family: focused-attention, praying for them, serving in my home)
Love the church.
This is all the “ministry” we do for and with those who love Jesus. (Examples of actively loving the church: using our gifts to teach, write, speak, blog, encourage, answer emails, meet for coffee, pray for one another)
Love the world.
This is what we do to reflect Jesus to those who don’t yet love Him. (Examples of actively loving the world: feeding the hungry, loving those who hurt us, caring for the oppressed, carrying the burden of those suffering)
Love me?
It sounds selfish and egocentric but I do think we all need margin. We do need to spend some time doing things that recharge us. (Examples of caring for me: art, photography, exercise, coffee with a friend, a night away)
The world tells us to focus on this last priority. And it’s so tempting to spend most of our time on “me” things while laundry piles up in the corner or our bible gets lost under a stack of bills or little faces search for mommy’s eyes. But Jesus taught us to esteem others higher. So this last one becomes a place of constant evaluation for me.
Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:3-4
I try to use this list as a lens through which I look when ordering my day. “Try to” is the key phrase. Because I FAIL ALL THE TIME. Before I know it I can spend forty minutes in the abyss of social media. Not that it’s always wrong; it’s just not always best.
We have time to do all He has for us to do. So by His grace I give this day to Him (again and again) asking to see with His vision.
Fill me, Lord…
Do you struggle with how to spend your time?
How do stay focused?
I love your posts. Always what I need. Clear, thoughtful, unfluffy. Points me to scripture without a haze of bloggy spiritual cheese. Thank you!! This one today is going to be my memory verse of the week.
That’s a great verse to memorize. We’re naturally self-focused, aren’t we. So thankful for grace. (And thanks for your kind words. 🙂
Great reminder. We need a printable of this or something.
Printable. I’m so slow about creating printables. Maybe God is calling you to do it, Joyce. 😉
Really appreciate your honesty in saying that, despite our best intentions, priorities can get out of whack. Between your post and the devotional I read this morning, I felt a definite nudge in my spirit to carefully evaluate the way I spend my time. Thanks for the wake-up call!
Tarissa, it’s so easy to “get out of whack.” There’s just so many things that pull at us and we/I want to do it all. I’m praying along with you that He guides us with our minutes.
Love reading your thoughts on this. I have been thinking on this of late. It is especially difficult being a stay at home mum as I have the choice of how I spend my time. There are so many choices. You have given a great perspective on it. Colleen
Colleen, you are so right. When we are a stay-at-home mom, it leaves the calendar completely open. And that can feel daunting. Thankful that He remembers us and wants to lead. Praying we have wisdom.
God is so good. I have been praying about this very thing fervently lately and really spoke to me through this blog. I was just asking him to help me because I can get very off balance I am a “temporarily” single mom of three kids all 9 and under and have been struggling making them a priority without feeling guilty for saying no to ministry outside the home. I struggle with separating loving God first to serving in the church and not wanting to neglect the children he has entrusted to me.
I love it when He speaks to us like that! It is such a reminder that He hears and wants to guide us. I pray He continues to lead and strengthen you through this mommy-season. Praying we have wisdom in teaching their little hearts.
Wow. Really read my mind on this one. I often feel there are so many “things” to do each day I don’t even know how to order them or where to start. Thanks for putting that into perspective:)
Thanks Laura. I know the struggle too. It seems that if I don’t stay in conversation with God throughout the day, I end up doing things that may not be the best way to spend my time. He’s always grace, though. And I’m so thankful.