My brain got sucked out of my head recently. On the way home from church a few weeks ago my daughter mentioned that she wanted a puppy for her birthday. A conversation we have on a weekly basis.
Until that day I had been unwavering in my decision, “Not until you are older.” But with the summer sun beating down, my brain got sucked out of my head.
After I put the kids down for their afternoon quiet, I went on an obsessive search for a puppy. “Non-shedding. Kid-friendly. Small.” And I found it. A Chaweenie. It was so unbelievably cute with its big puppy eyes looking into mine while practically yelling through the computer screen, “Please bring me home.”

flickr photo credit: edgar gonzalez
(this particular image is not of the puppy that lured me)
I feverishly called my man at work to ask his opinion. And he agreed to think about it. While I proceeded to obsess about it. Which is when it hit me. Pray, Lara. So I did.
Lord, I’m feeling obsessive and I need you to protect me from myself. Protect me from myself! Guide me. Speak to me. If it’s not the right time for our family, please tell me.
The next morning he spoke. I opened my Bible to Philippians — the book I have recently been dissecting — and there it was in black and white, “Beware of dogs…” (Phil. 3:2) Beware of dogs?! Are you kidding me?
I’m not sure he has ever spoken so literally to me from the pages of scripture before. But that’s the kind of God we serve. A literal, faithful, intimate God who hears and responds to our cries for direction.
I’ve said it, I know, but his word is alive. He speaks through his word and guides through his word and loves us with infinite promises through his word. It is such a gift.*
I thought about my ways,
And turned my feet to Your testimonies.
I made haste, and did not delay
To keep Your commandments.
Psalm 119:59-60
By his grace I listened and then obeyed. And he took the obsessive desire away. So no, we don’t have a puppy. And until he tells me otherwise I’m going to beware of dogs.**
Fill me, Lord…
How has he proven his word to be alive and active to you?
* Speaking of the gift of his word, Katie Orr and I are getting so excited about the upcoming release of our eBook Savoring Living Water. Click here to read more about it.
** And no, I don’t think dogs are evil or bad or wrong. It’s just not the right time for our family. So don’t tempt me with an irresistible picture of the puppies your precious doggie just had. I may backslide.
Awesome! I’ve had moments like that, of such God-clarity that I think it must be a joke, because it certainly isn’t coincidence! I love how your eyes were open to see it, and obey.
I definitely laughed at/with our very real God. It was hilarious.
In a time when I was growing in my walk with the Lord. Desperate to hear him and be used I was still imprisoned by a few things like fear, guilt ect. One day while doing my devotions I came across this scripture. “The Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Cor 3:17 it has become my life verse for this period of my life.
He’s so faithful to speak when we seek. Love that freedom verse.
I literally snorted when I read this! Oh, my gosh! You crack me up, but I totally relate to that “obsessive” feeling about certain things I want or think I “need.” What a great reminder to lay it in His hands first and ask for wisdom!
Ha. Glad to bring a *snort* to your morning. Remembering and documenting it is a reminder to me as well. 🙂
I just said to my husband this morning, God never ceases to amaze me no matter how small something might be. For instance a two minute phone call to inform me there is a way for Education Jump-Off to operate with out non profit statues at this time. I balked about being up early just for that two minute call and wondered why she could not have told me before, my husband replied because you were not ready. I began to think about one day last week and how the Lord led me to Romans 8:22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. Of course I read further until verse 27, I God revealed to me that after all these years of Education Jump-Off sitting it is now time to do what He has called me to do.
Peace, <
love it. i have the daily pleas from all 3 of my boys as well. i’m going to need to print off and laminate phil 3:2 and plaster it on the fridge to serve as my resistance! i totally agree with you and the other comments. amazes me over and over how such a BIG and powerful God could answer and been vigilant to the minute details of our lives. love also how you took your thoughts captive!
HAhahaha! The next time my son asks for a dog I’m gonna quote that verse. 😉