I’ve been a little quiet in this space lately because we’ve been transitioning into that new label of “homeschooling family“. And no, I haven’t done it graciously. Though I did celebrate the fact that I only had to escape into the bathroom this week about 4 or 5 times to tell God, “I don’t like this! (Actually I said “hate”.) I can’t do it! You have to help me!” So that was improvement. (And for the record, God always meets me in those moments and ministers hope and endurance…even if I have to cry out to Him again 23 minutes later.)
So that’s why I’ve been a little quiet. BUT I am excited that this makes two Fridays in a row for the Glorious Grace study. That’s pretty impressive.
I’m not going to give you a long commentary, because we’re all busy. But I do want to leave you with one thing — one truth that’s meant to affect our Friday (and every other day of the week). Because if the truths about God and the promises from God don’t affect our moments then we’re really missing the point.
Elevate God
I have to be honest. Sometimes I look at my life and the “giants” around me — the things I can’t change or control — and I act as if they’re bigger than my God. I can subconsciously — or consciously — elevate the mess until worry or fear or doubt marks me. Yet all the while there’s this HUGE Daddy God holding me and everything else in this universe in His hands.
That doesn’t mean “peachy keen”. Peachy keen is a lie. God being above and around and sovereign-over means that even when it’s tough, even when the giants come near, even when I have to escape into the bathroom, He’s still bigger. And when challenges press in we have a choice. By His grace and in His Spirit we can elevate God in our hearts and minds to His rightful position.
Paul got that. He wrote the letter to the Ephesians while he was imprisoned. In the midst of that house arrest, Paul elevated God in his heart and with his words to His rightful place and worshipped Him for who He was — the Blessed One, the Giver of the most glorious grace. And when he did, he overflowed with hope and joy and praise.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places… Ephesians 1:3
Such an example.
Regardless of what’s in our today, there remains One over our today. One worthy of continual praise. And when, through His Spirit’s empowerment, we set our hearts and minds on the truth of His blessed character and our gracious inheritance in Christ, no giant can overtake us. Apparently not even imprisonment…or homeschool.
Fill me, Lord…
How do you tangibly elevate God in your heart and mind regardless of the circumstance?
I’m linking up at the HelloMornings blog with others who are sharing their thoughts on what they learned this week through the study. (You can get a copy of the study by clicking here!)
“Regardless of what’s in our today, there remains One over our today. One worthy of continual praise.” This is so true and EXACTLY what I needed to hear this morning. Thank you. And thank you for this study – it’s been good for me.
Thanks Kristin! Yes. It’s absolutely necessary for me to rememberr that too. He is over and around and behind and in front of our today. And He can be fully trusted. Praying this next week in Ephesians is a blessing to you!
Regardless of what’s in our today, there remains One over our today. One worthy of continual praise – Yes this!!
Yes! 🙂
“Apparently not even imprisonment…or homeschool.” This made me laugh out loud!
I think, to answer your question, I try to journal out my feelings and remember what is true. Speak it to my soul. 🙂
Imprisonment. Homeschool. Some similarities. (That’s a joke. I’m a writer and we all know writers can be dramatic with the pen. Right, Katie?!) And thanks for sharing about the journaling. Yes. So so good to do. Getting things out and on paper is very powerful. And then “washing” our feelings with truth is vital. xoxo (Can’t wait to see you next weekend!)
Thank you for this! I needed this reminder today. Thank you so much for this amazing study. Blessings.