We can’t see tomorrow. We can’t touch it or fix it or stop it. Yet we as humans are prone to ruining our today worrying about it. I know because I’m human. But worrying about something we can’t control is a waste of mental effort.
That’s why Jesus said “sufficient for the day is it’s own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34) Therefore replace worry with worship.
Only One sees tomorrow. Only One moves how He wills today in light of His tomorrow agenda. The place of soul-rest comes when we believe Him to be forever faithful.
It’s easier said than done. There are real questions and serious concerns that we face in this life — uncertainties about our earthly tomorrow. But if we define life through the lens of His character and His promises, laying every anxious thought at His feet, peace miraculously arises. Strength for the journey ahead empowers us to take that next step.
We can’t see tomorrow, but He can. And He’s working things out today in light of His plans for tomorrow — for our good and His glory. We get to choose whether we believe Him to be faithful. We get to choose to take Him at His Word, one worry at a time.
Fill me, Lord…
How do you handle the daily worries that inevitably arise?
Lara, thank you for this glorious reminder today!
Thanks, Kathy.