Church messed me up on Sunday.
I overslept because I got home really late Saturday night/Sunday morning from a conference. My husband left early for work and my kids never woke me because TV puts them in a time warp. So when I finally arose from my slumber we rushed around like crazy people to get to church semi-on-time. I think one of my kids may have eaten gummie snacks for breakfast.
After I dropped them off at their classes — finally noticing that none of them had actually brushed their hair and hoping desperately that they had brushed their teeth — I hurried to my own classroom where a dear sister-friend was already sharing about her recent trip to Africa. I settled into a seat and slowed my breathing from the sprint up the stairs.
And in seconds I sunk deep into her stories.
I could tell you everything that the team did in that desolate place or try to paint a picture of those sweet, orphan, HIV faces, but it wouldn’t do any of it justice. So I’ll just tell you what her testimony stirred in me.
I sat with tears running down my face and a conversation with God in my spirit. “Lord, I want to be used by You to do big things on this planet. I want to honor You with my life in big ways — going overseas and speaking more and writing books (faster). I just want my life to make a deep mark on this world for Your glory in this short breath of time You’ve granted me.”
Her testifying ended but my tears continued whenever I imagined the faces of those sweet kids. And my conversation lingered in me throughout the day. Until eventually, God clearly spoke. Not audibly because I might have completely freaked.
I was sitting in my favorite morning chair, telling God again how I wanted to be used by Him to do big stuff, like change the world. Because I’m a dreamer. And it was as if He placed His hand on my restless spirit and whispered with a smile, “I have you exactly where I want you, doing wildly powerful, eternal things even in this day, in these things, with these people that I place in your moments.”
And with that He graced me with perspective. Wanting to go and see exotic places or pray over foreign lands or feed hungry, sick children isn’t wrong. Lord, forgive us for static feet. I truly believe He put this passionate, take-me-wherever spirit in me, and it makes Him smile. He tells us to go, and by His grace He will lead us at different times in our lives to walk on unfamiliar ground seeing unfamiliar worlds. And being willing to go wherever He leads honors our Lord.
But most of us, most of the time, are just “here”. We’re in the midst of what seems to be mundane, unromantic living. Yet there’s something really important about “here”. You ready for this? Wherever our “here” is, it’s where God has us…with purpose.
For we are (God’s) workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
I don’t always like that reality, because it’s hard to see the eternal impact that comes through a cup of juice given in kindness to my child or a visit to the nursing home or a word of encouragement to a friend. But love fleshed out in the dailiness of life is exactly what changes the world, one moment, one soul at a time.
“Love fleshed out in the dailiness of life is exactly what changes the world.”
Wanting to “go big or go home” has it’s place. God puts dreams and desires in us as we seek after Him. And often, those dreams are too huge for paper. But more often, our mission field isn’t as glamorous. It’s in our homes and on our street and…in Wal-mart. Lord help us.
In Christ, God has good things, big things, eternal things for us to do. And though that may mean time in Africa, it absolutely, unquestionably means today in our “here”.
Fill me, Lord…
How have you wrestled with accepting your “here” as your mission field?
The Message starts Ephesians 2:7-10 like this: “Now God has is where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus.” I love those words and how your story reflects them.
Oh I love that! Exactly! Thanks for sharing Kristin.
Lara, I so agree that God has you right where he wants you. Your writing have been the things I needed to hear most on any particular day. You minister to my soul, my unconfident heart. Thank you for your writings.
Thank you for that sweet encouragement, Margie. Really. It blesses my soul. Much love to you sister.
Precious sister. 🙂 So thankful for your faithfulness not only to go but to testify. You blessed me.
Needed this today. I’m the one always thinking that I should be doing what someone else is doing . . . overseas, missions, etc. But always God is gently reminding me that homeschooling my 2 little ones, even though it isn’t as “big” or “glamorous” to me as what some of my brothers and sisters in Christ are doing, is still incredibly important to Him. And I am right where I need to be. Thanks for this, Lara. I needed to be reminded of it again.
Wow!! This really hit home today. With two boys (2&5), its hard to do anything but make sure they are taken care of. However, for the last 5 years I’ve been beating myself up for not going on a mission when I had the chance. Now who knows when that will be. Thanks for speaking God’s truth and puting this in perspective! A much needed word. Thank you!!
This is pretty much the perpetual state I’ve been in for about 2-3 months now. Ever since the Lord stirred my heart for the nations, I haven’t been able to accept the ‘normal’ life that I’m in right now. It is a daily struggle to accept where I am right now & not despair over it. I just see how big & mighty God is & have a hard time believing He can use me right here, in the mundane tasks of working in a corporate office. Oh how I long to live an adventurous life with God. But I suppose I must first learn to heed His leading, even if His leading is simply to stay right where I am.
I always resonate with your heart, Lara. I’m a dreamer too. It’s hard to keep that perspective when you have about 10 new ideas before breakfast each day. But, I feel it deep, too. A call to be present. To serve faithfully in the “mundane-ness” of my everyday. Knowing He sees it as is pleased.