Last Friday I said I would have a video for today — the last day of our book club. But alas the sand and waves have caused a time warp and I have no video to offer. Which is exactly why we should always say “Lord willing” when we promise to do anything. (James 4:13-15)
But regardless, we’re talking about chapter 10 of To Walk or Stay today and here’s the bottom line: I can’t do any of it. None of it. I can’t forgive. I can’t take my thoughts captive. I can’t release control. I can’t love unless God does it through me.
What does that mean in normal talk? It means that I constantly have mini-preaching sessions. I tell God again and again how I’m feeling — when I’m hurt, sad, bitter, frustrated. And again and again I remind myself of who God is and what He promises. The conversations typically end with me saying something like, “I can’t do it, Lord. I’m not strong enough. But You can do it through me. So use me as You will.”
The ultimate “goal” of life is intimate dependence on our Maker. It’s resting in His grace and trusting Him for strength no matter how uncertain life may look from our perspective. It’s only then that we taste the joy He has for us, regardless of circumstance.
You can’t do it. I can’t do it. But He can. He can.
My sweet friend Stacey Thacker over at is hosting our final book club discussion today.
Fill me, Lord…
How do you deal with the reality that you can’t {love, forgive, control} the people and situations around you?
Thank you my brave sweet friend for your real and honest story. One that draws me straight to Jesus.
You’re a sweet one, friend. Much love to you, sister.