Yep. All of us. If we have any ounce of self-reflection, we all reach the end of the day and have at least one thing we wish we had done differently. Or eighty things.
But you know, every time we act selfish or throw an adult-sized temper tantrum or want revenge or gossip about someone or live in fear, they’re all tangible reminders that we need the grace of God. Need. And the beauty is that He gives it, over and over and over and over and…
The problem comes when we live in places of self-pity and regret. Yes, there’s absolutely a time for godly sorrow and repentance. It initiates the healing process. But beating ourselves up and listening to the inner negative dialogue, “I knew you would fall again. You can’t seem to get it together. How could anyone ever love or trust you” steals the life God intends for His children.
The beauty of God’s grace and mercy is that it’s new every. single. morning. Just because we didn’t live up to some (unrealistic, perfectionistic) ideal yesterday, doesn’t mean we have to throw in the towel on today. New day means fresh start.
Sometimes seasons carry over. Sometimes consequences to choices we made carry over. But today’s a new day. Yesterday’s gone. And the beauty is that He restores the spirit of those who humble themselves before Him, regardless of circumstance.
So imagine me standing at the foot of your bed cheering you on in this new day — pompoms optional to this imaginary scene. Cheering you on because of Jesus. His strength is made perfect — perfect! — in our weaknesses.
I’m also cheering on those who have been doing the HelloMornings challenge over at the HM blog today. Click here to read another dose of me preaching some truth (to myself!) about releasing the weight of regret and pressing on under the grace of God.
Fill me, Lord…
How have you lived with regret?
What do you do to step out of regret and find rest in God’s grace?