The gap can frustrate me. You know the gap. The one between the description God says of us (righteous, holy, beloved saints) and the person we can act like in day-to-day living (short-sighted, short-tempered, and occasionally faithless).
He says “righteous,” yet we know our depravity. He says “blameless,” yet we see our faults. He says “forgiven,” yet we harbor regret. He says “loved,” though we question its reach.
The gap.
But there’s something really beautiful about the gap. Because it’s the gap that reveals our continual need for grace. It’s the gap that forces us to cling tight to Him and say, “I’m completely weak, Lord. Be my strength.” The gap sends us running to the Source of all strength.
Be to me a rock of refuge,
to which I may continually come;
you have given the command to save me,
for you are my rock and my fortress.
Psalm 71:3
Once we admit we’re weak — on our knees desperate for Him — then we’re actually strong. Because it’s then that He lifts us up and empowers us to keep running this faith race. He opens our eyes to our true identity in Christ.
And one weak moment after another, we see the scandal of His grace. We catch a glimpse of the beauty of the gap.
We’re not only saved by grace through faith.
We’re also sanctified by grace through faith.
Always needy of Him.
Fill me, Lord…
How have you seen beauty in the gap — the beauty of grace?
“We’re also sanctified by grace through faith.” This is a relatively new concept for me, but I see its truth and God’s beautiful design in it. We need him for e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!
Thanks for the good word this morning!
E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g! My sentiments exactly.
The beauty of God’s grace is more than I imagine. Too beautiful for me. Everyday I need Him, need his Grace!
What an encouraging words this morning, Thank you, Lara!
Thanks sweet sister. Always needy for Him.
Thank you for always being so genuine and painfully honest. I often struggle with the lie that I am not good enough. If I am in the word and walking with Him why do I still fail so often. Yes we need grace daily for me often within each minute. Praise to the God that never tires of me.