I have an aching for the American “church.” A hope or longing that we who say we’re “Christian” would actually reflect Jesus. Because isn’t that the point?
That we would stop with the judgment and the finger-pointing and the gossip and the “kicking them when their down.” But rather leave such a deep imprint of love, hope, grace, and truth that the world could see our Lord simply because we walked the earth.
It’s a lofty desire — one that none of would have if God Himself didn’t put it in us. But it beats in my spirit so loud at times until I can almost physically hear it.
And radical revival has to begin in me.
And you.
In the moments of everyday living.
Personally, in that desire to be an authentic follower, I recently decided to spend some time just looking at Jesus. Only Jesus. Stripping away the layers of church and (dare I say) theology, and honestly looking intently and purposefully at the God-man that I say I follow.
And it has shaken me.
True, people will always reject Him, just like they did when He walked on this planet. But spending time looking only at Him — what He did, what He said, how He interacted — can’t help but bring us to our knees in gratitude.
His coming to the earth, healing the sick, raising the dead, dying for those who hated Him, taking away the sin of the world — ALL. GRACE.
A short blog post can’t capture the immeasurable fulness of Jesus. A long blog post couldn’t rightly capture Him. But if I would leave us with one thing to ponder this Easter weekend, it would be a question that Jesus Himself asked some of the men who were following Him, “What are you seeking?”
Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them,
“What are you seeking?”
John 1:38
What are you seeking in following Him. What am I seeking.
The only answer that will truly stir up revival is “You, Lord.” I’m seeking You.
Fill me, Lord…
What are you seeking in following Jesus?
My heart aches for what Jesus went through; yet, my heart feels so full in knowing that He died for me & my sins! He was pure & real and THAT is what I continue to seek every waking moment.
Amen, Lara. Just give me Jesus. Love your heart. Happy Easter!
This is beautiful Lara. One of my favorites!
My heart aches for the American church and confusion follows swiftly behind it! I am seeking Jesus too! All I want to know is more of Him! More about Him! More intimacy with Him! And today I was thinking about just that – what He did. Where He hung. How He chose not to get off that cross because of His indescribable love for us (but I get annoyed when people get up from a table and walk up to me at work). It’s like, what am I doing!? Follow Him and do what He does! His Spirit lives in me, I have everything I need! Love you, Lara! Thank you for this post! Happy Easter!
Preach sister. You know how I love your passion. Much love to you this Easter weekend!