I feel my hand clinging. You know. Clinging. It’s when we hold something so tight because we think we’ve got it under control. Or we want it under our control. “No need for you to touch this thing, God. I’ve got it.”
It may be our kids or spouse or job or health or money or future plans. But regardless of the what, we can cling to it because deep down we think God might mess it up. Or take it away. Or change it. We place some measure of security in how things are now or how we want it to be tomorrow, so we cling.
Yet out of love He peels back our tight little fingers. Out of the desire for us as His children to live in the place of complete surrender, He slowly reveals that to which we’re clinging. And then comes the release.
Most times it’s a slow release. One we fight every single step of the way because we’re afraid of the unknown. We’re afraid that if we fully open up our hand we’ll have to walk a road we’re not strong enough to walk. Which ultimately is the point. His strength, not mine.
But at the root of fear — at the root of clinging — is unbelief. We fear because in our humanity we don’t believe that God really is good. In our short-sightedness we question whether or not He really will work all things — everything — together for our good and His glory.
But…He will.
Know that the Lord, he is God!
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving,
and his courts with praise!
Give thanks to him; bless his name!
For the Lord is good;
his steadfast love endures forever,
and his faithfulness to all generations.
Psalm 100:3-5
His Spirit within us whispers words of faith, “You’re Father is faithful. He’s good. He never leaves or forsakes. He will go with you and before you and surround you. When you’re weak you’re actually strong because you rest in His power. Release. Believe.”
One by one we lay the fears that we’re tempted to harbor at the foot of His throne. We declare true things to ourselves and ask others to speak true things into our ears. And slowly, slowly we open up our hand and say through His gracious empowering, “I trust You, God, even with this. Have Your way because Your way is good.”
Fill me, Lord…
What have you been tempted to “cling” to in your life?
Hello Lara,
I’m French so I first want to apologize for my mistakes :).
Your post have touch me so ! I actually cling to my husband. I’ve bought your book that I’ve discovered very recently, and I’ve not received it yet. I can’t wait to read it ! I really need to find peace and to release, as you say in your post. I knew betrayal, I knew anger, I know sadness, and I don’t know how I will be able to continue to live with this man I still love and who still loves me. But now, there is this past, there is this emotional experience in his life. Our relation has changed, as if there has been a sort of separation, and as if we were now different people… The same, but different… It’s very strange.
We have changed, but there is still love. Another sort of love. I’ve lost my points of reference. My heart is broken and I’d like to run away but I can’t because my heart is also and still full of love. I understand, while I’m reading you, that I’m afraid to open up my hands. I’m afraid to release… I’ve lost faith, I’ve lost trust. Not in God, but in the meaning of marriage (the ideal meaning of marriage, I suppose). I need Him to be my rock, I need Him to be my strength.
Thank you so much Lara for your words, your faith, your truly vision of life. I thank God to have discovered you !
Thank you so much for sharing. I can only imagine your pain. Praying with you for God’s gracious mending of your heart and marriage. Much love to you, sister.
That is a good question, Lara. Honestly in the last 2 weeks, I’ve been tempted to cling on to people and what they can do to help us, instead of clinging onto God and what He is able to do to help us.
I am praying for us that we only cling onto God and put our hope and trust in God more and more from now on… it is hard at this season of our life.
Thank you for the encouraging words today.
Oh sister-friend. Praying you are encouraged. Thankfully God does give us people to love and walk this life with. But like you said, that we would first cling to and trust in Him.